And here’s a selection of work that showcases my broad skill set in user experience, interaction design, content development, visual design and programming!




Optimising social get-togethers using a tangible interactive interface

A “connected object” concept built on an Arduino YUN and created with a teammate as part of my IxD master’s program.

Interaction Design & Programming



Project overview

As students with heavy workloads throughout our coursework, we sought to address some pain-points of balancing work and social lives. We relied on fellow students to conduct the preliminary research as well as throughout prototyping iterations for this project.

Though I worked on much of the technical aspects (programming, logic and hardware), and my team-mate focused on the graphic design, product design and digital fabrication, the ideation and concept development was done by both of us in tandem.

The skills we each brought to this project were different yet complementary and proved to be truly integral in the production of this project.

The video concept was storyboarded, scripted, filmed and animated by me.


My role

  • Ideation and concept design

  • User research - prototyping - interaction design

  • Communication - storytelling - copywriting

  • Content design - content production - content writing

  • Media production - motion design - graphic design - audio production

  • Team effort - collaboration

Teammate’s role

  • Ideation and concept design

  • Graphic design - product design - digital fabrication

  • User research - prototyping - interaction design

The tools used were

  • User research

  • Interviews

  • Contextual inquiry

  • Scenarios

  • Prototyping

  • Iteration

  • Arduino YUN

  • Digital Fabrication

  • Programming

